March 25, 2023
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Regina Sportplex (1717 Elphinstone Street)
Course Facilitator
LEO LIENDO, Saskatoon
The Wheelchair Tennis Instructor Course is a Tennis Canada initiative designed to provide interested people (currently certified Instructors and Coaches, Recreational Therapists, etc.) with the knowledge to teach wheelchair tennis to introductory players.
Participants will learn how to adapt their coaching to systematically develop beginning wheelchair tennis players. They will help players learn the fundamentals of rallying, starting a point with serve & return, playing the game and most importantly, chair mobility.
• Interested in working with wheelchair tennis players?
• Currently instructing wheelchair tennis players?
• Giving tennis in a wheelchair a go yourself?
• Rules
• Injury levels
• Tennis Chairs/equipment
• Differences and similarities for instructing wheelchair players
• Court movement and mobility
• Singles and doubles tactics
• Effective and efficient technique for wheelchair players
• Course Certificate
• Access to tennis wheelchairs during workshop
• Course manual
The course is open to everyone however, only Instructors or Coaches already certified by Tennis Canada are eligible to receive the official certificate upon completion of the course.
A minimum of 6 participants (per course) will be required for the course to proceed.
Participants should come prepared to participate, both on and off court – please bring your racquet and wear appropriate clothing.
Cost: Recommended Fee is $100. No registration fee to attend this course.
To register or get further information, please contact Tennis Saskatchewan at 306-780-9410 or email at tennissask@sasktel.net