Everything you need to know about ITF World Tennis Number

Adult Competitive Structure – ITF World Tennis Number (WTN) Frequently Asked Questions

What is the WTN?

The WTN is a global rating scale that allows tennis players to find the players and programs corresponding to their level of play. It is a scale between 40 and 1, with 40 being a beginner player and 1 being an elite professional. This scale is for all players, regardless of age, gender, or ability. Players have a separate WTN for singles and doubles matchplay.

What are the benefits of WTN?

The WTN is a global initiative led by the ITF to bring the tennis community together. The WTN allows tennis players across the globe to connect with opponents of similar skill levels and find suitable programs at their skill level. This enables level-based play to ensure everyone is enjoying the sport. The WTN initiative is a massive opportunity for tennis federations across the world to grow and unify tennis together.

Why did Tennis Canada feel the need to introduce WTN ranges for adult competition?

The WTN has been incorporated into the adult competitive structure to provide a new benefit to players. The WTN will allow players to accurately determine their skill level and the corresponding tournaments to register for. Over time, the WTN aims to improve the overall quality of matchplay by ensuring players are evenly matched up against each other. Lastly, incorporating WTN allowed Tennis Canada to align with several leading tennis federations (ex. France, Netherlands, US) who have historically used automated ratings for adult competition.

Where can I find my WTN?

Competitors registered with their respective Provincial-Territorial Tennis Association (PTTA) can find their WTN on their profile page via the national-provincial match play platform. The system will need 6 match results to calculate an accurate WTN.

Registered Canadian competitors will also be able to find their WTN on the global WTN site developed by the ITF. The global WTN site includes special features for tennis players.

Do I need a WTN to play in tournaments?

No! You can continue to register at the same level that you would have previously if you do not have a WTN. As you play more matches, you will begin to develop a WTN.

If I don’t have a WTN yet, what level of tournament should I register in?

You are still able to register based on the NTRP guidelines set out in the Tennis Canada Self-Rating Guide.

Will there still be rankings?

Yes! The same rankings that were in place previously will continue to be used, you will now just see a recommended WTN range beside each category.

My WTN doesn’t match the range for the NTRP level I normally play in, can I still play in that level?

Yes! The WTN ranges provided are just a recommendation to help players find equal playing opportunities. If your WTN does not match the NRTP category you feel comfortable in, you can continue playing at the level you would normally have.

How were the WTN ranges determined?

The WTN ranges were determined by conducting an analysis of the players who are currently playing in Adult NTRP competition in Canada, taking into consideration real-world pilots that were conducted over the past year as well as consulting with other federations with successful rating systems.

I played in tournaments last year, but I don’t have a WTN on my profile. What do I do?

If you have played 6 matches in the last year and do not have a WTN on your profile, please follow these steps:

  • Log into your tc.tournamentsoftware.com account
  • Click on your name at the top-right of the page and click on “Account Setting”
  • Scroll down to the “Consent” section. If the answer to the question is “Yes” change the answer to “No”
  • If you change the answer to “No” and your WTN has not appeared on you profile within a week, or if the answer was already set to “No,” please email tournaments@tenniscanada.com

Please go to OVERVIEW – Tennis Canada for an introduction to the WTN (includes short video).

For further information, please contact tournaments@tenniscanada.com